Today (as in on Monday).. I saw my husband's little brother, Scotty "dont". (I believe this nickname came from a movie. . ? I haven't ever seen it, but everyone calls him that, so I do too. haha!) Boy is he great! He had tennis practice at noon, (yes-- he is on the Weber tennis team with my hubby..cute, huh?!) so I told him he could show up around 1:15 since we weren't going to be cleaning his mouth..just taking some x-rays and doing other random requirements :). Yes-- he was my ginny-pig. Thanks sir!
So- he showed up and I put his cute little retainer in the container to start-a-soakin, so I could pass off my Removable Appliance PE. Then- I dragged him into the x-ray room to take a FMX on him. He was a great sport, and his mouth was perfect and large, for that dang HUGE schick sensor. I only had 2 retakes, because I cut off the 2 molar roots on the mandibular PA's, (Gosh-- I can only shove that brick back in his mouth so far! He nearly threw up all over me!) but other than that-- they turned out great. It was nice to get all my PA's out of the way-- and we even saw some "suspicious lesions" that needs to get taken care of before he heads to GHANA, AFRICA for his mish in a couple months! Crazy, huh?!
Then- after that fun experience, I dragged him back to my chair so I could place a sealant on him. (I hadn't ever looked in his mouth, so I was PRAYING he had a tooth that could use one...sure enough, he did). Vining taught me something when placing sealants..He said most hygienists put SOOO much sealant material on and it goes everywhere, and end up having to scrape most of it off because it's too high, or it just is covering the WHOLE tooth, and dentists don't like that too much. So he taught me to do a very thin, delicate line just across the pit/fissure before I placed it, so it would turn out perfect and thin. Sure enough-- it worked! He said that is the way sealants should be done, but most just gob that stuff on so much, instead of just putting it where it needs to be (which is just in the pit and fissure, very thin and neat). MAKES SENSE! Thanks Vining :)
Today was great-- I just got a lot of things checked off my "to-do" list and Scotty "dont" was great, as usual. (Candice thinks he and her little sister should get married. The marriage preparations are in order ;))
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