Monday, March 19, 2012

Ohhh no you ditt - n't !!

I think I jinxed myself this week when I was telling a friend, "Luckily I haven't ever had anyone cancel on me yet."  Note to self:  Never say that ever again.  Ever.

So a few days ago, I confirmed my appointment this morning with my class 2 patient, to finish up his remaining 3 quads.  Easy Cheesy.  Then.  Last Night.

11:30 at NIGHT, mind you.  My class 2 patient texts me saying he got called into work in the morning, so he can't come in.  BUDDY!  It's 11:30 at night!  How could you do this?  I was freaking out. . . To say the least.

Luckily I have the best husband ever.  And he's a pretty calm guy and can solve problems for me.  He said, "I'll just text all of the tennis guys and will see if one can come in!"  So. . he did, and one replied saying that he didn't have class until 10:30, and he'd be willing to help me out.  

Prayer answered.  Isn't that like....the billionth time now?  I am so blessed.  Anyway- because it was such late notice, I told Dave's teammate that I would pay for him to come help me out, if he would just be there.  That's it :)

So today I worked on one of Dave's teammates.  Nicest kid in the whole world.  Before I got to clinic, I told myself I'd finish him today.  I'd done a 1B in 1 appt. before, and I was going to do it again.  Today.  I did a whole OD and scaled all 4 quads of his mouth.  Darn those 2 distal line angles of the upper molars.  I missed 2 spots, but hey-- another learning experience.  I'm all about it.  He was in and out quick, and I got him to class on time at 10:30.  Phew!  So relieved.  Today was so perfect and smooth.  When last night, I thought I was going to crawl in a hole and cry my life away.  

Things work out.  They really do.  I am a lucky gal and feel so blessed to be in this program.  Even though we do some pretty silly things, and have some pretty silly rules and requirements, I'd be silly not to feel lucky to be experiencing all the silliness.  Period.   

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