Monday, February 27, 2012

BEST far.

Today was the BEST day of clinic I've had so far.  Perhaps it's because I got a lot done.  Perhaps it's because I passed off a lot of PE's, and took some x-rays.  Perhaps it's because I have now officially finished all of my 1B requirements.  Perhaps it was because this past weekend we became Big Sky Indoor Track and Field CHAMPIONS.  I'm not sure.  It was just a good day.  I had to be in clinic ALL day today which I was afraid of, however, it really was great.  I had to miss last wednesday's clinic day because I had the indoor championships to attend, so I made up that!  I first saw Marisol, whom I saw a few weeks ago, and finished up the last 2 quads of her class 5 mouth.  I was done so quick, and it was a relief to have her done.  I did miss a couple spots on her posterior line angles of her wisdom teeth (those darn things), but I was happy to have the experience of seeing that I had missed them, and fixing the problem.  I was able to do the Diagnodent PE on her also, and had Instructor Vining explain what it all meant, because I sadly do not know spanish.  She was a great patient and left happy.  I also whipped out my ultrasonic for the FIRST TIME and was able to remove some heavy stain from her posteriors.  I love that thing.  Why have I been so scared to use it?  Vining said, "Just have fun with it!"  And...I did.  A lot. handsome hubster came in this afternoon.  He was my patient last semester, and I was "slow" back then, and only got one quad done.  So today, I zipped around his mouth in a flash, and was done scaling his 3 remaining quads in less than an hour.  He was quite impressed with how fast I've sped up in the past few months.  I didn't miss any spots, and that was a relief.  I then was able to diagnose and place a sealant on #18, and it was my first time placing a sealant this semester.  It went well, and I'm glad to have one out of the way!  THEN-- I took a pano on him, and THEN I pricked his cute little finger to figure out what his blood glucose level was.  He was normal :)  I guess.  He was the best patient ever, and it was such a relief to get him done-- I thought he'd never be able to come back because of tennis practice, MCAT classes,  etc...but he had the day off, so I forced him to come see me :)  It was nice having him as my ginny-pig (spelling?) because I felt like I got so much stuff done today!  Today life is great.  Life is always great, but today was another happy reminder that my. life. is. the. best.   

Lab day!

Lab day arrived where we did NOT see patients, and learned all about blood glucose levels, the diagnodent, and removable appliances.  We talked about diabetes, insulin, and all that fun stuff, and pricked our fingers to find out our blood glucose levels.  I do not like needles of any kind, size, weight, length, etc.  Yuck.  Then we did the diagnodent on each other which was fun, and learned what the "numbers" and noises mean.  It was good.  And we got to scrub and clean yucky dentures and removable appliances, so that we can be pro's when our patient's present with something that comes OUT of their mouth.  Today was a grand ole day. . relaxing and chill. . just like the 1st semester of hygiene.  Too bad I didn't realize it was "relaxing and chill" at the time.  Oops. Live and Learn.

Then February the 13th came..

Today was awesome as well.  I saw a 1B patient that my peer pal had given me, named Tsz Wai Tsang who was about 21 years old.  This patient created another language barrier for the both of us, but he seemed to understand for the most part what I was trying to say, and he was very very kind-- although he refused x-rays because "we don't do those things in Hong Kong!"  haha- dangit.  That's okay.  I got through him in ONE appointment, and it was soooo nice to do it again (as in, start and finish someone in one day..)  I love the feeling.  I did miss one spot of calculus (that honestly I couldn't feel after exploring and scaling over and over it again), but I'm always happy to have learning opportunities and make mistakes so I can better myself and learn more.  Today was awesome-- Tsz Wai was a cool cat (and of course by cat, I really mean human).  The end. 

Ok, so then on February 8th...

So then February 8th came, and it was time to see cute little Jacqueline Galindo, a 12 year old girl that Kayla had given to me.  I was hoping so badly that she'd be a 1A, however, she was a 1B, but I couldn't complain....I still needed one more of those.  So I quickly did an OD, took 4 BWX with 0 retakes, and scaled her WHOLE mouth in ONE appointment...YAY!  First time EVER!  And i didn't miss any spots, which was another plus. . I felt so accomplished finishing a 1B in 1 appointment.  I thought that day would NEVER EVER come.  I guess practice really does make perfect.......ok ok- not perfect.  Just betterness :) or something like that.  The end.

..Then on February 6th--

I saw the sweetest Hispanic lady today, named Marisol.  She was so cute, quiet, and kind, but it was very hard to communicate with her because we didn't know each other's language.  Luckily, Instructor Vining helped me out and could tell her everything that I wanted.  It was great-  I was able to scale 2 quads of her class 5 mouth and didn't miss any spots.  I also took one PA on her, because a tooth was really bothering her, and that went well.  The end.

On February 1st...

Oops!!  Haven't blogged in awhile!  Life and school and running and being a wife just got in the way i guess ;)  So back on february 1st, I saw one of my teammates Kayla, and it was fun working on her.  I was able to take some BWX with no retakes, and get through an OD.  The bummer news was that she had to leave early, so luckily Mark pulled through and said he had a random guy that wanted to come in and get some x-rays done, etc.  So--- i called him up, and asked if he could come in within the next hour-- sure enough, he did!  YAY!  So the whole day was just a day of x-rays, which was awesome, because I'd felt so behind on them.  And that was that.  Neither of them wanted to come back, but hey-- at least I got something done that matters :)  the end.